This textbook is intended for use in introductory Entrepreneurship classes at the undergraduate level.
Due to the wide range of audiences and course approaches, the book is designed to be as flexible as possible. Theoretical and practical aspects are presented in a balanced manner, and specific components such as the business plan are provided in multiple formats. Entrepreneurship aims to drive students toward active participation in entrepreneurial roles, and exposes them to a wide range of companies and scenarios.Senior Contributing Authors
Michael Laverty, Colorado State University Global
Chris Littel, North Carolina State University
Contributing Authors
Chandra D. Arthur, Cuyahoga Community College
Martin S. Bressler, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Stephen M. Byars, USC Marshall School of Business
Bryan Coleman, Assumption College
Mehran C. Ferdowsian, Wilkes University
Geoffrey Graybeal, Georgia State University
Wm. David Hawkins, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Jennifer Herrera, Capella University
Lyzona Marshall, Seton Hill University
Angela Mitchell, Wilmington College
William Nantz, Houston Community College
Denisse Olivas, University of Texas at El Paso
Karli Peterson, Colorado State University Global
Mark A. Poepsel, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Kevin Raiford, College of Southern Nevada
Jeffrey J. Sabolish, University of Michigan-Flint
Sally Sledge, Norfolk State University
Kurt Stanberry, University of Houston-Downtown
Dieses Lehrbuch ist für den Einsatz in einführenden Entrepreneurship-Kursen auf Undergraduate-Ebene gedacht. Aufgrund des breiten Spektrums an Zielgruppen und Kursansätzen ist das Buch so flexibel wie möglich gestaltet. Theoretische und praktische Aspekte werden in ausgewogener Weise dargestellt, und spezifische Komponenten wie der Geschäftsplan werden in verschiedenen Formaten angeboten. Entrepreneurship zielt darauf ab, die Studierenden zur aktiven Teilnahme an unternehmerischen Aufgaben zu bewegen, und setzt sie einem breiten Spektrum von Unternehmen und Szenarien aus.
Leitende Autoren
Michael Laverty, Colorado State University Global
Chris Littel, North Carolina State University
Mitwirkende Autoren
Chandra D. Arthur, Cuyahoga Community College
Martin S. Bressler, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Stephen M. Byars, USC Marshall School of Business
Bryan Coleman, Assumption College
Mehran C. Ferdowsian, Wilkes University
Geoffrey Graybeal, Georgia State University
Wm. David Hawkins, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Jennifer Herrera, Capella University
Lyzona Marshall, Seton Hill University
Angela Mitchell, Wilmington College
William Nantz, Houston Community College
Denisse Olivas, University of Texas at El Paso
Karli Peterson, Colorado State University Global
Mark A. Poepsel, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Kevin Raiford, College of Southern Nevada
Jeffrey J. Sabolish, University of Michigan-Flint
Sally Sledge, Norfolk State University
Kurt Stanberry, University of Houston-Downtown
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Sie beruht auf dem Recht der Informationsfreiheit.
The publication is intended for educational purposes only.
It is based on the right of freedom of information.
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