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Dienstag, 19. April 2022




Principles of Accounting is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a two-semester accounting course that covers the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting.

Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in two volumes. This book is specifically designed to appeal to both accounting and non-accounting majors, exposing students to the core concepts of accounting in familiar ways to build a strong foundation that can be applied across business fields. Each chapter opens with a relatable real-life scenario for today’s college student. Thoughtfully designed examples are presented throughout each chapter, allowing students to build on emerging accounting knowledge. Concepts are further reinforced through applicable connections to more detailed business processes. Students are immersed in the “why” as well as the “how” aspects of accounting in order to reinforce concepts and promote comprehension over rote memorization.

Senior Contributing Authors

Mitchell Franklin, LeMoyne College (Financial Accounting)
Patty Graybeal, University of Michigan-Dearborn (Managerial Accounting)
Dixon Cooper, Ouachita Baptist University

Contributing Authors

LuAnn Bean, Florida Institute of Technology
Ian Burt, Niagara University
Shana Carr, San Diego City College
David T. Collins, Bellarmine University
Shawna Coram, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kenneth Creech, Briar Cliff University
Alan Czyzewski, Indiana State University
Michael Gauci, Florida Atlantic University
Cindy Greenman, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Michael Haselkorn, Bentley University
Christine Irujo, Westfield State University
Cynthia Johnson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Cynthia Khanlarian, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Terri Lukshaitis, Ferris State University
Debra Luna, Southwest University
Bill Nantz, Houston Community College
Tatyana Pashnyak, Bainbridge State College
Brian Pusateri, University of Scranton
Ellen Rackas, Muhlenberg College
Marianne Rexer, Wilkes University
Roslyn Roberts, California State University, Sacramento
Rebecca Rosner, Long Island University
Jeffrey J. Sabolish, University of Michigan-Flint
Jason E. Swartzlander, Bluffton University
Diane Tanner, University of North Florida
Mark M. Ulrich, Queensborough Community College
Janis Weber, University of Louisiana Monroe
Linda Williams, Tidewater Community College
Darryl Woolley, University of Idaho


Principles of Accounting ist so konzipiert, dass es die Anforderungen an Umfang und Reihenfolge eines zweisemestrigen Buchhaltungskurses erfüllt, der die Grundlagen der Finanzbuchhaltung und des betrieblichen Rechnungswesens abdeckt. Aufgrund der umfassenden Natur des Materials bieten wir das Buch in zwei Bänden an. Dieses Buch ist so konzipiert, dass es sowohl für Studierende der Rechnungslegung als auch für Nicht-Rechnungslegungsstudenten interessant ist. Es vermittelt den Studierenden die Kernkonzepte der Rechnungslegung auf vertraute Art und Weise, um eine solide Grundlage zu schaffen, die in allen Geschäftsbereichen angewendet werden kann. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einem realen Szenario, das den Studenten von heute vertraut ist. In jedem Kapitel werden durchdachte Beispiele präsentiert, die es den Studierenden ermöglichen, ihr Wissen über Rechnungswesen zu vertiefen. Die Konzepte werden durch anwendbare Verbindungen zu detaillierteren Geschäftsprozessen weiter verstärkt. Die Schüler tauchen sowohl in die "Warum"- als auch in die "Wie"-Aspekte des Rechnungswesens ein, um die Konzepte zu festigen und das Verständnis gegenüber dem Auswendiglernen zu fördern.

Leitende Autoren

Mitchell Franklin, LeMoyne College (Financial Accounting)
Patty Graybeal, University of Michigan-Dearborn (Managerial Accounting)
Dixon Cooper, Ouachita Baptist University

Mitwirkende Autoren

LuAnn Bean, Florida Institute of Technology
Ian Burt, Niagara University
Shana Carr, San Diego City College
David T. Collins, Bellarmine University
Shawna Coram, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Kenneth Creech, Briar Cliff University
Alan Czyzewski, Indiana State University
Michael Gauci, Florida Atlantic University
Cindy Greenman, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Michael Haselkorn, Bentley University
Christine Irujo, Westfield State University
Cynthia Johnson, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Cynthia Khanlarian, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Terri Lukshaitis, Ferris State University
Debra Luna, Southwest University
Bill Nantz, Houston Community College
Tatyana Pashnyak, Bainbridge State College
Brian Pusateri, University of Scranton
Ellen Rackas, Muhlenberg College
Marianne Rexer, Wilkes University
Roslyn Roberts, California State University, Sacramento
Rebecca Rosner, Long Island University
Jeffrey J. Sabolish, University of Michigan-Flint
Jason E. Swartzlander, Bluffton University
Diane Tanner, University of North Florida
Mark M. Ulrich, Queensborough Community College
Janis Weber, University of Louisiana Monroe
Linda Williams, Tidewater Community College
Darryl Woolley, University of Idaho




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