The College Physics for AP® Courses is designed to engage students in their exploration of physics and help them apply these concepts to the Advanced Placement® test. This book is Learning List-approved for AP® Physics courses.
Senior Contributing Authors
Gregg Wolfe, Avonworth High School
Erika Gasper, Science Writer, MA, University of California, Santa Cruz
John Stoke, Science Writer, MS, University of Chicago
Julie Kretchman, Science Writer, BS, University of Toronto
David Anderson, Science Writer, PhD, College of William and Mary
Nathan Czuba, Sabio Academy
Sudhi Oberoi, Raman Research Institute
Liza Pujji, Manukau Institute of Technology
Irina Lyublinskaya, CUNY College of Staten Island
Douglas Ingram, Texas Christian University
Das Buch College Physics for AP® Courses wurde entwickelt, um Schüler bei der Erforschung der Physik zu unterstützen und ihnen zu helfen, diese Konzepte auf den Advanced Placement®-Test anzuwenden. Dieses Buch ist von der Learning List für AP®-Physikkurse zugelassen.
Leitende Autoren
Gregg Wolfe, Avonworth High School
Erika Gasper, Science Writer, MA, University of California, Santa Cruz
John Stoke, Science Writer, MS, University of Chicago
Julie Kretchman, Science Writer, BS, University of Toronto
David Anderson, Science Writer, PhD, College of William and Mary
Nathan Czuba, Sabio Academy
Sudhi Oberoi, Raman Research Institute
Liza Pujji, Manukau Institute of Technology
Irina Lyublinskaya, CUNY College of Staten Island
Douglas Ingram, Texas Christian University
Die Veröffentlichung ist lediglich zu Bildungszwecken gedacht.
Sie beruht auf dem Recht der Informationsfreiheit.
The publication is intended for educational purposes only.
It is based on the right of freedom of information.
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