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Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2019


LAKES | 2015 | EXE | 546 MB | WINDOWS

AERMOD View is a complete and powerful air dispersion modeling package which seamlessly incorporates the following popular U.S. EPA air dispersion models into one integrated interface:

  • ISCST3
These US EPA air dispersion models are used extensively to assess pollution concentration and deposition from a wide variety of sources.
The AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD) is the next generation air dispersion model based on planetary boundary layer theory. AERMOD utilizes a similar input and output structure to ISCST3 and shares many of the same features, as well as offering additional features. AERMOD fully incorporates the PRIME building downwash algorithms, advanced depositional parameters, local terrain effects, and advanced meteorological turbulence calculations.

AERMOD View Main Features

Integrated Interface

Integrated Graphical User Interface

Fully integrated interface combining easy to use graphical tools (e.g., sources, buildings, and receptors), seamless model run, and automated contouring and posting of results.
Powerful 3D Vizualization

Powerful 3D Visualization

Complete 3D visualization of your entire modeling area.  Sources, buildings, and concentration and/or deposition contour results are displayed in context with the surrounding terrain.
Export to Google Earth™

Export to Google Earth™

This exciting feature allows you to export your buildings, sources, receptors and contours into Google Earth giving you a more realistic image of where your pollutants will impact surrounding areas.
New Project Wizard

New Project Wizard

The New Project Wizard allows you to quickly and easily set up a new project in AERMOD View.  You can setup your project by specifying a reference point in Latitude/Longitude, UTM, or any other local coordinate system.
AERMOD Parallel

AERMOD Parallel at No Extra Cost

Included in the package, at no extra cost, is AERMOD MPI, Lakes Environmental parallel version of AERMOD.  This will significantly cut down on model run times, while still giving the high quality results you expect from AERMOD View.
Professional Printing Templates

Professional Printing Templates

Take advantage of the ready-to-use printout template. You can include your company logo, project number, and other project specific information.
Multi-Chemical Utility

Multi-Chemical Utility

This utility will boost your productivity drastically by allowing you to specify emissions from several pollutants emitted by the same source.  No need to setup different projects for each pollutant!
Terrain Processor

Terrain Processor with Automatic Downloads

Advanced terrain processing capabilities are offered for several terrain data file formats such as NED, SRTM, and USGS DEM. Automated download of terrain data files from webGIS. SRTM3 Terrain data at 90 m resolution available worldwide.
Complete Meteorological Pre-Processors

Complete Meteorological Pre-Processors

Several tools are available for easy processing of meteorological data for AERMOD and ISC models.
The AERSURFACE utility allows you to automatically calculate the required surface characteristics.


The U.S. EPA hourly National Ambient Air Quality Standard for NO2 is not calculated directly by the AERMOD model, however, AERMOD View includes an easy-to-use tool which will quickly calculate these values.

Systemvoraussetzungen: Windows 7, 8, 10

PW: theeducationlounge

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