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Freitag, 25. Januar 2019


ITASCA | 2012 | EXE | 207 MB | ENGLISH | ALL-OS

FLAC, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two dimensions. FLAC is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to accommodate any kind of geotechnical engineering project that requires continuum analysis.
FLAC utilizes an explicit finite difference formulation that can model complex behaviors, such as problems that consist of several stages, large displacements and strains, non-linear material behavior, or unstable systems (even cases of yield/failure over large areas, or total collapse).

Systemvoraussetzungen: WINDOWS 7, 8, 10

PW: theeducationlounge

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