HanGil IT | 2019 | EXE | 345 MB | ENGLISH | WINDOWS
AStrutTie is a strut-tie model analysis/design software for concrete members with disturbed stress region(s). It enables users to design corbel (bracket), abutment/pier footing, bridge pier coping (pier cap), frame corner, anchorage zone, simply supported/continuous deep beam, beam-column joint, PSC box, etc. The software supports U.S (ACI 318, AASHTO LRFD) and Europe (EuroCode 2) codes and specifications.
Principal Features
Ease of Use
- Intelligent graphical user interfaces
- Visualizations by using view option windows
- U.S customary and Metric (SI) units
- Tabular and dialog inputs
- 2-D on-screen graphics
- Graphical display of applied loads, boundary conditions, and structural analysis results
- Visual and tabular verifications of strength conditions of struts and nodes
- 12 templates for typical D-regions and structural members
- Design checks on user interfaces
- Preview of structural design report
- Report output as Word (*.rtf), Excel (*.xlsx), and PDF (*.pdf) file
- Importation of *.dxf file for modeling of solid and truss structures
- Verified (in)determinate strut-tie models for templates
- Unconstrained solid and truss modelings for strut-tie model design
Included Design Codes
- AASHTO LRFD (2014)
- ACI 318-14 (2014)
- Eurocode 2 (2004)
Support Items of Templates (12 types)
- Corbel (Bracket)
- Abutment/Pier Footing
- Bridge Pier Coping (Pier Cap)
- Frame Corner
- Anchorage Zone (PSC Beam, Anchor)
- Simply Supported/Two-Span Continuous Deep Beam with Concentrated Loads
- Continuous Beams with Distributed Loads
- Interior/Exterior Beam-Column Joint
- Diaphragm in PSC Box Girder
Functions of Truss Solver
- Analysis of Internally/Externally Determinate/Indeterminate Truss Structures
- Inclined, Horizontal, and Vertical Restraints by Spring, Hinge, and Roller
- Determination of Required Areas and Forces of Struts and Ties by Iterative Technique
- Safety Evaluation of Existing Structural Members by Assigning Steel Tie Areas
- Calculation of Available Areas of Struts and Ties
- Determination of Average Principal Tensile Strain of Reinforcing Bars crossing Perpendicularly to Concrete Strut by Iterative Technique
- Automatic Transformation of Distributed Forces to Nodal Forces
Functions of Plane Solid Solver
- Analysis of Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems
- Inclined, Horizontal, and Vertical Restraints by Spring, Hinge, and Roller
- Optimized Mesh Generator according to Concrete Member Shape
- Automatic Transformation of Distributed Forces to Nodal Forces
- Calculation of Principal Stresses and Directions
- Relative Lengths and Colors of Principal Stresses along Principal Directions (Stress Flow)
- Implementation of Evolutionary Structural Optimization Technique (E.S.O)
Systemvoraussetzungen: ALL-OS
PW: theeducationlounge
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