ZWSOFT | 2022 | EXE | RAR | 556 MB | WINDOWS
CORE TECHNOLOGIES: for all-in-one CAx solutions
All-in-one CAx solutions provider ZWSOFT has released the latest version of its flagship 2D CAD product ZWCAD 2023.
"Since our founding in 1998, we have focused on solving our users' design problems. We strive to help them improve their design efficiency by delivering more powerful functionalities and better user experiences. Overall, the changes in ZWCAD 2023 can be summarized in three key words: efficient, user-friendly and connected. These also give a clear picture of the directions in which we are working hard to offer our users the best 2D CAD solution."
Efficient, User Friendly, Connected - The Ultimate 2D CAD Solution
Efficient. Many designers and engineers find managing multiple drawings in a project a time-consuming task. We've added a new feature to help them save time managing files and focus more on design: Sheet Set Manager, which allows users to view, access, edit, draw, and archive multiple drawings in a single panel.
Besides file management, another time-consuming task is creating and editing tables, such as creating BOQs (Bill of Quantities). In this release, our Table Tool has been greatly enhanced to meet the diverse and customized needs from different industries. Users can unify the style of their tables using the Match Cell feature and add the blocks they need with Block Insert. After creating a table, the table can be saved as a template for later use. With this more powerful Table tool, users no longer waste time switching from table editing software to ZWCAD and risk data loss in the process.
Efficiency in frequently used operations has been a key factor influencing user experiences. In ZWCAD 2023, there is a huge increase in efficiency in operations such as Select, Delete, Pan, Zoom and 3D Rendering. Compared to the previous version, it is 8 times faster in selecting multiple objects in a drawing and 5 times faster in deleting.
User Friendly
"ZWCAD is not just a 2D drawing tool. We've been working hard to strengthen its 3D functionality to better satisfy our users who need to view and draw 3D models at the very beginning of the product design process. We believe it can do more," said Kyle HE. In this new version, users can easily change the shape of a 3D asset by dragging handles. Users can also edit its exact shape by changing its information in the properties panel. Furthermore, the geometric information of a 3D model will appear dynamically and its dimensions will automatically update when its shape is changed. All these changes in the 3D module take the user experience to the next level.
"ZWSOFT is committed to building an ecosystem for the industry. In this system, different software, applications and devices are interconnected so that they can meet the requirements of different scenarios and industries." At ZWCAD 2023, we introduced the use of 3D Connexion's 3D mouse products. Using the 3D mouse, users can freely rotate, pan or zoom a 3D asset. They can also repeat frequently used commands. Using a 3D mouse can reduce the pain of the right hand caused by frequent operations. It also saves more time than performing the same operation using a regular mouse or keyboard, thus increasing productivity.
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