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Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011

ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica 2012 Ultimate Edition WIN MACOSX

USM | 2011 | 1 DVD-ROM | iso | 4,20 GB | Windows  | MACOSX

Grundlegendes Wissen auf Bildungsniveau – das englischsprachige Original „Encyclopaedia Britannica 2012 – Ultimate Edition“ vereint drei komplette Lexika auf einer DVD-ROM und versorgt Schüler, Studenten und Erwachsene schnell und präzise mit jeweils spezifisch aufbereitetem Wissen.
Die aktualisierte DVD-ROM beinhaltet die 32 Bände der Buchvorlage. Neben den über 100.000 aktualisierten Lexikoneinträgen bietet die Encyclopaedia Britannica 2012 auch diverse multimediale Inhalte: Mehr als 30.000 Fotos, Videos, Animationen und Tonaufnahmen garantieren ein abwechslungsreiches Wissenserlebnis. Interaktive Zeitleisten, geordnet nach Rubriken wie Architektur, Kunst, Literatur, Medizin, Musik und Technik, ermöglichen eine themenspezifische Recherche

Über einen interaktiven Weltatlas lassen sich nicht nur detaillierte geografische und demografische Daten ermitteln, sondern auch ausführliche Artikel mit Informationen zu verschiedenen Ländern einsehen. Über 2.000 herausragende Wissenschaftler werden anhand von detaillierten Biografien vorgestellt. Zusätzlich bieten mehr als 166.000 weiterführende Links zu geprüften Internetseiten und Online-Magazinen die Möglichkeit, zusätzliche und tagesaktuelle Informationen zum jeweiligen Thema zu sammeln.

Die beiden integrierten Wörterbücher Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary und Thesaurus sind die idealen Helfer bei der Suche nach Wortbedeutungen. Die „Encyclopaedia Britannica 2012 – Ultimate Edition“ verfügt über Lesezeichen-, Notiz-, Kopier- und Druckfunktion sowie eine effektive Suchmaschine mit Stichwort- und Volltextsuche.


    Enthält die 32 Bände der Buchvorlage, mehr als 30.000 Fotos, Videos, Animationen und Tonaufnahmen garantieren ein abwechslungsreiches Wissenserlebnis
    Interaktive Zeitleisten, geordnet nach Rubriken wie Architektur, Kunst, Literatur, Medizin, Musik und Technik
    2.000 Biografien herausragender Wissenschaftler
    Mehr als 166.000 weiterführende Links zu geprüften Internetseiten und Online-Magazinen zur tagesaktuellen Recherche
    Inklusive Wörterbücher Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary und Thesaurus
    Effektive Suchmaschine mit Stichwort- und Volltextsuche
    Monatliche Updates halten die Inhalte aktuell
    Keep up-to-date with Britannica
The Encyclopædia Britannica 2012 Ultimate DVD offers you more than ever, including extensive new and revised articles to put you at the forefront of recent advances so you can spend less time searching and more time learning.
Written by 4,300 expert contributors the Encyclopædia Britannica 2012 Ultimate DVD is an invaluable resource for all the family, and as it’s from Britannica you know it is information you can trust!
For 2012 our three-age specific, easy to use learning areas have all been updated with a wealth of new information.
The encyclopedia you know you can trust
— Suitable for all
Provides access to a vast world of trusted knowledge and offers a wealth of interactive education for the entire family with three age-specific learning areas:
* Encyclopædia Britannica – specific learning area for secondary school, university and adults
* Student – specific learning area for ages 10-14
* Children’s – specific learning area for ages 6-10
— Thousands of new and revised articles!
New content covering the past year’s news and events, with existing content updated to reflect new developments.
— World Atlas
Search thousands of maps, flags, articles and statistics in the interactive World Atlas
— Britannica Workspace
Saving project-related articles, images and videos in one convenient location with just the click of a button!
—  World Data Analyst
Provides comprehensive statistics on every nation of the world. Perform statistical comparisons between countries and explore changes over time.
— Plus many more amazing features included!

he 2012 Britannica Ultimate Reference DVD includes:
 •      Encyclopædia Britannica
Access the world's most trusted and authoritative information, featuring over 82,000 articles from the 32-volume Encyclopædia Britannica print set.
 •      Britannica Student Encyclopedia
Find information easily in over 16,500+ entries that are tailored to school subjects.
 •      Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia
Instils a look-it-up habit that will stay with students in school and in life.
 •      Book of the Year
Explore notable events in 12,000 articles covering science, politics, sports, and more.
 •      Homework Helpdesk
A collection of useful homework resources including a video subject browse, online learning games and activities, online subject spotlights, and how-to documents on topics such as writing a book review.
 •      Online Learning Games and Activities
Hundreds of fun and interactive games and activities to help students with subjects like Math, Science, and Social Studies.
 •      Two Complete Dictionaries and Thesauruses from Merriam-Webster®
Together, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® and Student Dictionaries and Thesauruses provide access to 405,000 definitions, synonyms and antonyms.
 •      Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Translation Dictionary
Translate an English word to Spanish and a Spanish word to English with the click of the mouse.
 •      World Atlas
Take a tour of the world through more than 2,900 maps linked to articles about countries, economies, cultures, and national statistics.
 •      Timelines
Watch history unfold with timelines that show the people, events, and discoveries of the past.
 •      Britannica Classics
Discover new ideas and relationships between topics with this interactive tool.
 •      Explore
Easily browse through Videos, Britannica Classics, Classical Music, and more.
 •      Explore Feature! Heroes & Villains
The “Heroes & Villains” feature provides easy access to more than 600 biographies covering the world’s heroes and villains throughout time.
 •      Virtual Notecards
Take and save notes from your articles on a virtual notecard. Notes are printable, which makes your research easier, more productive and portable.
 •      Britannica Workspace
Save articles, images, video, and more in one convenient location to help keep your research organised.
 •      Rich Multimedia
View vivid illustrations with over 38,000 images, video, and audio that bring fascinating topics to life.
 •      Additional Videos, Web Links, and Magazines Online
Link to 166,000+ sites you can trust-selected by Britannica editors-plus links to thousands of videos and magazines for a wealth of additional information.

 •      82,000 — Encyclopædia Britannica Articles
 •      16,500 — Student Encyclopedia Articles
 •      3,000 — Children’s Encyclopedia Articles
 •      12,000 — NEW! Book of the Year Articles
 •      Collegiate® Dictionary Entries & Definitions
 •      Collegiate® Thesaurus Entries
 •      World Atlas
 •      Britannica Biographies: Great Minds, Heroes and Villains, World Leaders
 •      Britannica Classics
 •      A-Z QuickSearch
 •      World Data Profiles
 •      UPDATED! Interactive Timelines
 •      35,000+ Images, Videos, Audio Clips & Animations
 •      Explore - Exciting Interactive Tours
 •      166,000+ Magazine Articles & Web Links
 •      FREE Monthly Content Updates
 •      FREE Britannica Online® 6-Month Subscription worth £24.98!

Betriebssystem: Windows XP / Vista / 7; MACOSX

MD5 Checksum:

d02a3db48adc6013017a9bb2fc68e28e - BritannicaDVD.iso
eb334580ae2fcab7d7633ed3369ec11e - NFO-TEL.pdf

Password: theeducationlounge

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